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Friday, May 22, 2009

Pigs infected with the same symptoms

Human swine influenza (H1N1 Type A influenza) epidemic worldwide. In order to have deep understanding of swine influenza virus, Thailand Chulalongkorn University scientists make new born piglets inflect human swine flu, they found that the symptons were same as human and none of them were die.

Damage the lungs when coughing fever

When 22 pigs infected with swine influenza virus, they have flu symptom such as fever, coughing, sneezing, runny nose and conjunctivitis within the four days, their lung damage very significant and covering 1 of 3 lung.

However, the virus only appear in the respiratory adhesion, the did not penetrate into the blood or tissue, even though pigs are also infected with H3N2 influenza virus, but they do not die.

Researcher refers to the results of this study indicate that swine flu just make the pigs weaned flu-like symptoms, as well as lung damage. This situation make them have a better understanding, and also prevent the swine flu virus reach the Thailand.

Since the outbreak of swine flu, many country denied North America pork products import. But the WHO Secretary-General Dr Margaret Chan mention that there is no evidence to show pork can cause disease, she appeal people continue to eat pork.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cabin Toilet, the most high-risk to spread Swine Flu

China's outbreak of swine flu cases came from other countries, the public concerned about the epidemic passenger plane once again, and the spread of the virus problem in the cabin.

The outbreak of swine flu in humans has no travel warning, where is the most saftey position inside the plane?

LO Wing-lok, a specialist of infectious diseases in Hong Kong pointed out that although the cabin ventilation system to operate independently from the top to bottom, but if patients move around, the virus will continue to spread, and the toilet is the most high-risk areas, "Passengers are cough and sneeze inside the toilet without any protection, there must be full of germs, and then other passengers get caught easily. "

Lo Wing-lok also pointed out several rows of seats before and after patients is high-risk areas also. "There have been documented reported that patients with ordinary flu transmission area can be up to as much as before and after the five-row. A class from Hong Kong to Beijing flight during SARS, more patients with infections as far as seven rows of passengers. "Therefore, he suspected if trace only three rows of passengers before and after patients with the controversial area. Should we seat facing the wall?

Lo Wing-lok means that it may not be the most secure, because "If patients sitting behind you, it is easy being affected, unless if you go with your family and occupy a few rows of seats, and it will be more cautious when you sit facing the wall andnext to baby seat. "

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Anti Pig Flu - Keep Rest Room Clean

To maintain proper function of toilets, drains and pips by perform below 3 procedures frequently:

1) Pour water into drain outlets regularly to prevent foul air and insects in the sewage pipe from entering the premises.

2) Make sure drains and pipes do not leak or are not blocked. Do not alter them without prior authorisation.

3) Clean toilets daily with a dilutes household bleach solution (1 in 99). At home, make sure there is liguid soap and a clean towel in the toilets, liquid soap and disposable towels or hand dryers should be made available.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1/4 patient's towel with vomit defecate can also spread disease

The world's medical profession has been disintegration of the characteristics of swine influenza virus and the power of spread, the United States Center for Disease Control warned that when the virus broke out in some areas of avian influenza, there may be genetic variants of the mixtures. They found that most of the United States is the young people infected, only 5% of patients over 51 years old, a quarter of patients vomit defecate; In addition to the spread of droplets, the contact with used towels, blankets are the risks of infection. U.S. CDC National Center for Immunization and respiratory Anne Schuchat concern that the swine flu in the United States has not the mainstream of influenza virus, but may be related to the popular H3, and alpha-alpha to gene shuffling H1N1 influenza virus variants after Treatment of drug resistance may occur because of the general type of the H1N1 virus resistant to Tamiflu over 90%. She also warned that once the swine flu outbreak in the avian flu region and become active, there may be associated with the avian flu virus H5N1, although the avian flu is not an effective person to person, but its high toxicity, together with the influenza virus mixtures, it can not ignore the two variants of the problem that may arise.

Only 5% of patients over 51-year-old

After the outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza in Hong Kong 1997, there is an only bird infected case in recent years. But the Mainland, Vietnam and Indonesia, while human still been infected. In addition, the "New England Journal of Medicine" published about United States a total of 41 patients with data analysis of 642 patients from three months up to 81-year-old range, over 40% is young people of aged 10-18, only 5% patients aged over 51 years of age. In addition to their symptoms of fever and cough, the one quarter who were suffered from diarrhea and vomiting symptoms, so in addition to prevent the spread of droplets, the virus can also spread through the feces, the patient used towels, sheets and blankets will be droplets and fecal contamination with a virus. Recent data showed that the spread of swine flu can be symptoms from the illness to illness the day before the seventh day, but the researchers pointed out that the young, people with low immunity, and seriously ill patients, and its broadcast time may be longer affected, at present, experts are still studying the spread of the virus in patients and there is no conclusion right now.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

When should wash you hands?

Bacteria is easy expose to Hand

If you dont' wash the hands after contact with pathogens, it is easy to spread the disease. Therefore, hand hygiene is the primary condition for the prevention of infectious diseases, wash hands with liquid soap or alcohol solution anxious hands disinfection, hand hygiene can be maintained. Under normal circumstances, such as the hands when no dirt can contain 70-80% alcohol solution anxious hand.

When hands should be clean:

1) before contact with eyes, nose and mouth
2) before eating, after using the toilet
3) hands were contaminated respiratory secretions (for example: sneezing, coughing, after)
4) have had contact with the public object (for example: escalator, lift buttons, etc.)
5) after touch with animals and poultry

Friday, May 8, 2009

Canada break H1N1 pig flu DNA gene

WHO will decide the vaccine production volume next week, they estimate States orders at least 600 millioin pieces.

Pig flu (Human H1N1 flu) threaten the whole world recently, the second wave will erupts after the autumn, all countries are hurry up to develop the vaccine.

Canada obtained the breakthrough on 6-May-2009, the leading countries to completes the new flu virus gene sorting, it was helpful to develop the vaccine.
In order to produce mass volume of this new flu vaccine, there is a need to reduce the common seasonal flu vaccine production volume. WHO will hold a meeting to discuss the decision on 14-May-2009.
The Canadian microbiology laboratory announced that, they has completed three viral samples of the complete gene sequence analysis. They already upload the gene atlas to the international gene database.

All scientist in the word can start the research at once , grasps the viral's operation mechanism and research the virus source. It is helpful on the vaccine development work and estimated that the vaccine can be produce in early November 2009.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What is the difference between seasonal influenza, avian influenza, swine influenza and an influenza pandemic?

Influenza viruses are commonly circulating in the human and animal environment. Different strains can cause illness in humans, bird and pigs.Seasonal influenza is caused by influenza viruses that are adapted to spread in humans (human influenza). Humans have some natural immunity to the strains that are in common circulation, and this immunity can be boosted by immunisation with a seasonal influenza vaccine.Avian influenza is caused by influenza viruses adapted for infection in birds. Similarly, swine influenza is caused by influenza viruses adapted for infection in pigs.These illnesses all elicit the same respiratory symptoms in their hosts. Sometimes, humans and animals can pass strains of influenza back and forth to one another, such as when humans become ill with avian or swine influenza, usually from direct contact with animals who are ill.Mixing of human and animal influenza viruses can lead to the development of changed viruses with the ability to cause infection and spread in the human population. There may be little or no immunity in the human population to these new viruses.An influenza pandemic is defined as a new or novel influenza virus that spreads easily between humans. When new influenza viruses are introduced into the environment, humans don’t have any natural immunity to protect against them. Therefore, there is a risk that that new influenza viruses could develop into a pandemic if the virus passes easily from human to human.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

6 ways to prevent Swine Flu / H1N1 when you in affected area

Do not go Swine Flu affected area, but if you really have no choice, remember perform below:

(1) Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth;

(2) Put on a maskduring the trip;

(3) Avoid contact with sick people;

(4) When symptoms of respiratory tract infection and fever develop, seek medical advice promptly;

(5) Wash hands frequently with soap and water, or apply alcohol-based hand cleaners;

(6) After returning from an affected area, wear a surgical mask for 7 days and pay close attention to his/her health.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine - Tamiflu and Relenza can really cure?

As Tamiflu and Relenze is the official vaccine to cure the H1N1 virus and Swine Flu, but pharmacists warned people not to take such anti-flu drugs without a doctor's approval.

More than 450 pharmacies around Hong Kong began offering free preliminary swine flu screening yesterday. But does thos anti-flu drugs really can help?

WHO reported that the oseltamivir resistance to H1N1 influenza, especially in North America, Canada, the United States, is still very high (Over 90%).90% of the Government stockpile anti-flu drug is Tamiflu, if we believe that the statistical data stored against the so-called swine flu medicine, will it become the vacuole rounds?It is completely useless! Why our Government has never mentioned these figures?

We should really think that, in order to fight against swine flu epidemic, rather than rely on government, it is better, hope for the best, do a good job in our own personal hygiene, and strengthen your body. If you do so, we dont need to afraid of H1N1 or Swine Flu!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Check H1N1 Swine Flu evolution from Google Map

One man called Niman, who is responsible for medical research in United States,
he use the 'My Map' function in Google Maps to released a H1N1 Swine Flu Map. Users can check the the world swine flu epidemic situation.
He also use of the bubbles in the region to indicate the seriousness of the spread of the disease, such as confirmed cases in purple and temporary suspected in pink.


Human Swine Influenza Background

A number of confirmed human cases of swine influenza A/H1N1 (swine flu) infection have been reported in Mexico and several other countries in earlier 2009.

Originally known to circulate among pig populations, the swine flu viruses do occasionally infect human beings. In the present international swine flu outbreak, human-to-human transmission has occured.

Click here to find out more about Swine Flu Protection

Reference Books

Reference Books
Swine Flu Survival Guide

Swine Flu Dangers - What You Need To Know